Merry Christmas, everyone and welcome to the Twelfth Day of Christmas and the last day of Beauty Blogmas on Makeup By Makena! Like yesterday, this post will be about how my family and I celebrate this very special day of the year… I honestly feel so greatful and fortunate for my family and I hope today was a special day for you, as well.
My Christmas Day Family Traditions
I set my alarm for 6:30 this morning so I would remember to wake up early and enjoy as much of the day as possible. When I got up, my dad got up too wearing his new festive PJ’s and we let my mom sleep in. Once she got up, we called my Grandma and she came over and we started opening up our presents! For breakfast we continued our tradition of enjoying Pillsbury cinnamon buns and orange juice. My cat loves boxes, ribbons, and wrapping paper so she had lots of fun, too and was enntertained and irritated by the animated cat on the Hallmark channel that has a fire place and Christmas music! After all the excitement of gift-giving was over, we finally got dressed a little before 12 and started making dinner. My dad put the ham on the rotisserie and my mom and I put together a delicious sweet potatoe casserole. We had croissants, frozen cranberry salad, and 5 cup fruit salad… yum! After dinner, we ate ice cream and watched a random Christmas movie and simply enjoyed each other’s presence. I had an amazing day and am excited to hear what you did today!
My Makeup of the Day
I know this might be hard to understand, but I am proud of myself to say that this year, I did not wear any makeup this morning when I opened up my Christmas presents with my parents and grandma. Before, I would always put some concealer on because I knew we would take pictures and felt slightly insecure about my acne, but now that I have started a new skin care routine and my acne has finally cleared up, I can honestly say that I feel confident in my own skin, which is a great feeling. Before dinner, though, I did do my makeup just for fun and to feel more dressed up. I wore the exact same Glamorous Holiday Makeup Look that I did a tutorial for earlier during the Twelve Days of Christmas.
My Christmas Day Outfit
Since we didn’t have any extended family over this year, we all went for a more casual look than yesterday. I wore my new Victoria’s Secret Fleece Lined Leggings that I bought myself since I’ve wanted them forever with my burgundy Strappy V-Neck Short Sleeve Tee and gray Long Sleeve Cardigan. I wore dangly gold earrings and, like always, my boots!

My Christmas Day Outfit!
Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful Hanukkah, a wonderful Kwanzaa, a wonderful December, and a wonderful day, no matter what you choose to celebrate. From the bottom of my heart, I love you!
Merry Christmas and XOXO,
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